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I offer group and personal training sessions revolved around power yoga and a nutrition plan. One does not work without the other. Lifestyle shifts are sometimes challenging but it is in the challenge that we grow the most. Ask yourself what you want the rest of your life to look like and most often than not being healthy is around the top. It simply starts with a first step. You are never too old and it is never too late. Life is more enjoyable when your body, mind and spirit are at their optimal level. 

One on One Yoga Sessions
New to yoga? New to stretching? What yoga postures can teach you is undeniable. The key to a strong practice is alignment. In the begininning that can be a challenge and a deterrent to try yoga. One private session will illiminate the guessing game and prevent unecessary injuries due to a lack of body awareness. Try multiple private sessions to maintain a steady progression and build your confidence in any class. 
Group Training


If you can't make it to one of my classes, listed on the home page, groups of 5 or more can get together and train for personal sessions, as a celebration or in the work place.


- groups of 5 or more

- worksite yoga before, during or after the work day

- parties, weddings, etc.



Herbalife Suppliments


Herbalife is a wonderful product that I used to get me to the fitness level I am at today. My body trasnformation alone is extremely noteworthy. The 24 line is dubbed "Abs In A Can". Find out why and inquire by leaving me a message. 


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